Heading for the Hills: A Beginner’s Guide to Country Living
With a biblical perspective, this book addresses the when, how and why (and why not) to head for the hills. Doug Batchelor identifies the practical things to look for in buying a piece of land, and what you need to live in semi-independent from civilization — all while maintaining a mission to the spiritually lost.
This is the perfect book if you’re wondering, “Does God want me to head for the hills, and how do I take the first step?”
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Heading for the Hills: A Beginner’s Guide to Country Living (Paperback)
By Doug Batchelor
The doomsday business is booming. Millions sense that Planet Earth is on the verge of some Apocalypse — by way of global economic meltdown, pandemic, war, or a natural disaster that plunges the world’s cities into chaos. In response, people everywhere are snatching up country properties.
“Preppers,” rich and poor, are storing up food, taking classes in wilderness survival, and stockpiling guns and ammo.
But how should a Christian respond — in light of Bible prophecy and the great commission? Has the time really come for believers to desert the cities and head for the hills?
From the heart of New York City to a remote mountain cave, author and evangelist Doug Batchelor has experienced the spectrum of country, suburban, and city living. More important, for the past forty years, he and his family have maintained a country home “off the grid” in Northern California.
Product Details:
Author: Doug Batchelor | Format: Paperback |
Publisher: Mountain Ministry | ISBN: 9-780-98467-074-1 |
Publication Date: December 2019 | Pages: 128 |
Weight and Size
Weight | 156.1 g |
Dimensions | 21.5 × 14 × .6 cm |
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